Three biodiesel plants renew RenovaBio certifications

Three biodiesel plants have renewed their certificates of efficient biofuel production - the document that guarantees access to the RenovaBio carbon market for biofuel manufacturers in Brazil. In recent days, the National Petroleum Agency (ANP) has published the new certificates on behalf of the Candeias (BA) plant owned by PBio, the Sorriso (MT) plant owned by Caramuru, and the Formosa (GO) plant owned by Binatural.

Together, the three plants have the capacity to produce almost 641,000 m³ of biodiesel per year, which is equivalent to about 4.6% of the national production base. Last year, they were responsible for a little over 5% of the volume of biodiesel moved by the Brazilian market.

With the renewals, the three plants ensure their presence in the Decarbonization Credits market (CBios) for the next three years.

With another plant planned, corn ethanol production in MS is expected to grow in 2023
Agência Estado