Igor Arantes People Analytics: How social media data analysis can help manage employees Technology has transformed the way companies manage their employees. Social media data analysis, also known as People Analytics, is one of the most powerful tools available to business leaders today. ... Apr 2, 2023
Igor Arantes People Analytics on LinkedIn: How this tool can improve your company? The LinkedIn platform is a professional social network used by millions of people worldwide to build their careers and connect with other professionals. However, in addition to offering a networking p... Apr 2, 2023
Igor Arantes Turning uncertainty into opportunity: how Business Intelligence can help in the BANI world Have you heard of the BANI world? It's an acronym that refers to an increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous world. But what does that have to do with Business Intelligence (BI)? Every... Apr 2, 2023
Igor Arantes Business Intelligence: the essential tool for informed decision-making The world of business is complex and highly competitive. To succeed in an increasingly saturated market, it is necessary to have accurate and up-to-date information about your customers, products, and... Apr 2, 2023
Igor Arantes Artificial Intelligence: The Technological Revolution of the 21st Century Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the most promising technologies of our time. It has the potential to completely transform the way we live, work, and interact with each other. AI is a set of tec... Apr 2, 2023
Igor Arantes The Importance of Machine Learning in the Technology Age: How This Technique Can Transform Your Company. The technology age has completely changed the way companies operate and make decisions. With the exponential increase in the amount of data available, it is increasingly important to have tools that a... Apr 2, 2023
Igor Arantes ANP: preço médio da gasolina nas bombas cai pela 3ª semana seguida, e vai a R$ 5,48 O preço médio da gasolina comum nos postos de todo o País recuou 0,5%, para R$ 5,48 por litro, na semana entre 26 de março e 1º de abril, informou no início da noite desta sexta-feira, 31, a Agência N... Apr 2, 2023
Igor Arantes Como a Argentina saiu da hiperinflação há 30 anos e qual a viabilidade de se repetir a fórmula Viver com inflação alta não é novidade para os argentinos. No momento, o país está atravessando uma onda histórica de aumentos de preços — mais de 100%. Mas não é a primeira vez que a Argentina, dona ... Apr 2, 2023
Igor Arantes Americanas prevê aumento de remuneração para conselheiros e redução para diretores A Americanas propôs aumento de 9,6% na remuneração dos integrantes do Conselho de Administração em 2023. A proposta é de pagamento de R$5 milhões até dezembro deste ano aos sete integrantes do colegia... Apr 2, 2023
Igor Arantes Acionistas aprovam venda do Banco Modal à XP SÃO PAULO (Reuters) - Os acionistas do Banco Modal e do Banco XP, da XP Inc., aprovaram nesta quarta-feira a combinação de negócios entre as instituições, deixando a transação mais perto de ser conclu... Apr 2, 2023
Igor Arantes Partnership Contracts: The Key to Business Growth If you're looking for a way to grow your business, then you should consider signing a partnership contract. This type of agreement allows two companies to work together on specific projects, sharing r... Apr 1, 2023
Igor Arantes The importance of Due Diligence in M&A transactions: ensuring informed decisions and minimizing risks. Due Diligence is an essential process in M&A (Mergers and Acquisitions) transactions that involves a thorough analysis and evaluation of the financial, legal, and operational information of a target c... Apr 1, 2023